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Charlotte SEIDNER


: Charlotte.Seidneratls2n.fr

Adresses :

Institut universitaire de technologie de Nantes ( IUT Nantes )
La Fleuriaye
2, avenue du Pr Jean Rouxel
BP 539
44475 CARQUEFOU Cedex

Batiment 01, étage 1, bureau bureau F109

Centrale Nantes ( CN )
Petit Port
1, rue de la Noë
BP 92101
44321 NANTES Cedex 3

Batiment S, étage 5, bureau 508

Publications référencées sur HAL

Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)

    • [1] C. Lelionnais, J. Delatour, M. Brun, O. Roux, C. Seidner. Formal Synthesis of Real-Time System Models in a MDE Approach. In IARIA Journals, vol. 7, num. 1&2. 30-06-2014
    • [2] C. Seidner, O. Roux. Formal Methods for Systems Engineering Behavior Models. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2008, vol. 4, num. 4.

Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes (COMM_INT)

    • [3] D. Lime, O. Roux, C. Seidner. Parameter Synthesis for Bounded Cost Reachability in Time Petri Nets. In 40th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2019), juin 2019, Aachen, Allemagne.
    • [4] H. Boucheneb, D. Lime, O. Roux, C. Seidner. Optimal-Cost Reachability Analysis Based on Time Petri Nets. In 18th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2018), juin 2018, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
    • [5] H. Boucheneb, D. Lime, B. Parquier, C. Seidner, O. Roux. Optimal Reachability in Cost Time Petri Nets. In 15th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2017), septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
    • [6] C. Lelionnais, M. Brun, J. Delatour, O. Roux, C. Seidner. Formal composition based on roles within a model driven engineering approach. In The 5th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID 2013), novembre 2013, Venice, Italie.
    • [7] C. Lelionnais, M. Brun, J. Delatour, O. Roux, C. Seidner. Formal Behavioral Modeling of Real-Time Operating Systems. In The 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS (2) 2012), juin 2012, Wroclaw, Pologne.
    • [8] B. Aizier, S. Lizy-Destrez, C. Seidner, V. Chapurlat, D. Prun, J. Wippler. xFFBD : towards a formal yet simple and complete functional modeling technique for system designers. In INCOSE 2012, 22nd Annual International Council on Systems Engineering Symposium, juillet 2012, Rome, Italie.
    • [9] C. Seidner, J. Lerat, O. Roux. Behavior Diagrams Model-Checking: Formal Methods Applied to {S}ystems {E}ngineering and Design. In $6^{th}$ Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research, 2008, Los Angeles, états-Unis.
    • [10] C. Seidner, J. Lerat, O. Roux. Usability and Usefulness of Formal Verification in a System Design Process. In $18^{th}$ International Symposium of the INCOSE, 2008, Utrecht, Pays-Bas.
    • [11] C. Seidner, J. Lerat, O. Roux. Usability of formal verification on EFFBD models: Applying {P}etri nets to Systems Engineering issues. In 17$^{th}$ International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (IS2007), 2007, San Diego, états-Unis.

Theses et HDR (THESE)

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